You’ve got the ideas, you’re researching suppliers but now you’re
What do you need?, What’s live feedback?, What will work in your business? What models do I need? Where do you start!!! ARRGGHH!!
You don’t want to have one of those pushy sales conversation that’s really uncomfortable with someone who is reading from a script who hardly knows about you, especially when you haven’t nailed down what you need yet!
You need someone to help you get clear with what your Battle plan is, what you need and what tools and supplies you need for the job! That’s exactly what we do, we’re in the trenches with you friend!
I’m David Pointin – “Field Hero’ here at Battlefield Sports Europe and also “Field Hero” in my own laser tag business in the UK that’s been operating for 15 years! My passion is helping bright motivated entrepreneurs set up their laser tag business, providing their clients with the ultimate live gaming experience but also making sure they operate profitable and successful businesses that allow them to have the job they love and the lifestyle they really want.
Outdoor gaming and adventure kids would love it and not have to be forced
Moving from traditional ways to hi-tech super cool ways – inclusive for everyone. Incorporate
I spent 4 years+ gaining a degree in exercise physiology and business studies and had a passion for inspiring and encouraging kids and adults to get fit and healthy using the outdoors and to experience outdoor adventure activities. Up until that point, outdoor stuff were the usual boring activities that kids didn’t find fun, so my goal was to find something cool they would love and want to do – like laser tag but outdoors, off the consoles and into the fresh air!
If you’re serious about putting laser tag into your business and you’re ready to discuss purchasing equipment then
Increase your profits, bring in new customers and sky rocket your business now!
Get a head start and skip those costly mistakes that will cost you time and money when starting a laser tag business, Simply fill in the form below and click Send me the 7 mistakes guide
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